Never miss another interview! Join Devin here: http://bit.ly/joindevin. With the support of their respective organizations, three women in the nonprofit sector are seeking to shake things up a bit to call attention to inadequate respect, compensation and opportunity. Heba Mahmoud at the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Emily Rose Patz at Donor Perfect (a division of Softerware) and Tycely Williams of the YWCA have joined forces to bring attention to #metoo issues in a sector where at least some of us didn’t expect to find them. Many philanthropists are powerful, wealthy men who are accustomed to getting their way. Many fundraising professionals in the nonprofit sector are women whose careers depend upon their ability to get philanthropists to open their wallets. This is a situation ripe with potential for abuse. Futhermore, the three note that while 73 percent of all nonprofit employees are women, only 45 percent of CEOs are women and only 21 percent of CEOs of nonprofits with $25 million plus budgets are women. Women of color make up only 14 percent of board members. Be sure to watch this powerful discussion with these three women who educate me on women’s issues in the nonprofit sector. Check out my free webinar where I share the secrets of successful nonprofit crowdfunding at http://crowdfundingforsocialgood.org.
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