#plugintodevin Show Guest: Jenny Kassan Office Held: Fremont City Council Office Sought: None currently Issue: Getting sufficient friendly capital for small businesses that are doing good in the world. I have run several undercapitalized businesses and I hate living in a world where the most needed changemakers are struggling just to make ends meet. We need to make it easier for everyone to move their investment dollars into the businesses they love and care about - this requires legal reform but even more important massive education and support for small businesses and non-professional investors. Bio: Jenny has 25 years of experience as an attorney and advisor for mission-driven enterprises. She has helped her clients raise millions of dollars from values-aligned investors and raised over $1.5 million for her own businesses. She is the author of Raise Capital on Your Own Terms: How to Fund Your Business without Selling Your Soul (Berrett-Koehler, October 2017). Jenny earned her J.D. from Yale Law School and a masters degree in City and Regional Planning from the University of California at Berkeley. Website: www.jennykassan.com Twitter: @jennykassan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jenny.kassan Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennykassan/ Instagram: @jennykassanconsulting Photo credit: Jennifer Graham Photography
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