March 31, 2015 - Read the full Forbes article and watch the interview here: Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes by clicking here: or on Stitcher by clicking here: Cristi Hegranes is out to change the world using journalism as a development tool. After being assigned as a foreign correspondent and seeing editorial decisions being made on the other side of the world by editors who thought they understood better than she just what the story actually was when she was on the ground seeing the story unfold, she decided not only that there had to be a better way but that she’d create it. She created the Global Press Institute, the Global Press Journal and the Global Press New Service to train reporters, publish their articles and syndicate them, respectively. Please consider whether a friend or colleague might benefit from this piece and, if so, share it.
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#234: Reporter Creates News Company To Change The World
#234: Reporter Creates News Company To Change The World
Apr 06, 2015
Superpowers for Good: Empowering Changemakers for Social Impact via Regulated Investment Crowdfunding from the SuperCrowd.
We host changemakers who are using regulated investment crowdfunding for social impact--impact crowdfunding--as impact investors or social entrepreneurs, catalyzing change with leadership skills we call superpowers.
We host changemakers who are using regulated investment crowdfunding for social impact--impact crowdfunding--as impact investors or social entrepreneurs, catalyzing change with leadership skills we call superpowers.Listen on
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#234: Reporter Creates News Company To Change The World