Never miss another interview! Join Devin here: Read the full Forbes article and watch the interview here: As Americans head to the beach or the mountains to celebrate Independence Day they may give some thought to the freedoms they enjoy. With a bit of prompting from some patriotic music accompanying fireworks tonight, they may even give some thought to the soldiers who have fought and died to make those freedoms possible. Former Miss America Sharlene Hawkes, 53, never forgets. In 2005, she helped found the Remember My Service Military Production division of StoryRock. Remember My Service, RMS, produces videos and books about the service of America's armed forces. The division got started "kind of accidentally," Hawkes says. StoryRock produces a variety of personal and group history products, using a digital approach. The products include video yearbooks and scrapbooks that include video. The profitable division employs six people full time and another five on a part-time basis. Read the full Forbes article and watch the interview here: Need a corporate social responsibility speaker? Learn more about Devin Thorpe at
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This Miss America Is Working To Thank Veterans For Their Service - #551
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This Miss America Is Working To Thank Veterans For Their Service - #551