#plugintodevin Show - Devin Thorpe for Congress Guest: Susi Feltch Malohifo'ou Office Held: Executive Director, Co-Founder Website: https://pik2ar.org/ Facebook: facebook.com/pik2ar Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susifmalohifoou/ Instagram: @pik2ar #plugintodevin #UtahValues #BoldSolutions #UTpol
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Pacific Island Knowledge 2 Action Resources Exec & Pacific Island Heritage Month - #plugintodevin
Superpowers for Good: Empowering Changemakers for Social Impact via Regulated Investment Crowdfunding from the SuperCrowd.
We host changemakers who are using regulated investment crowdfunding for social impact--impact crowdfunding--as impact investors or social entrepreneurs, catalyzing change with leadership skills we call superpowers.
We host changemakers who are using regulated investment crowdfunding for social impact--impact crowdfunding--as impact investors or social entrepreneurs, catalyzing change with leadership skills we call superpowers.Listen on
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Pacific Island Knowledge 2 Action Resources Exec & Pacific Island Heritage Month - #plugintodevin