Never miss another interview! Join Devin here: http://bit.ly/joindevin. Leta Greene has built a happy, productive life as a mother and a professional speaker and makeup artist. She is proud of this. She is particularly proud that no one in her professional circle--many of whom she counts as friends--knew that she is a survivor of sexual abuse as a child. As the #metoo movement gained steam over the past few years, Leta realized that it was time to share her story. She posted her experience on Facebook, went to bed and awoke to an overwhelming show of support--and an invitation from a publisher to write a book. Her book, Love Me Too, doesn’t wallow in self-pity nor does it reveal the most intimate details of her abuse. Much of the book is a guide for other survivors, whom she hopes to help achieve the sort of profound happiness she enjoys. She also shares some parenting tips that can help protect children from abuse, at surprisingly young ages--without scaring them. You don’t want to miss one second of my discussion with Leta. Be a hero! Join the elite group of supporters who ensure that stories like this can continue to be shared! Visit heroes4good.org to become a hero now.
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