Never miss another interview! Join Devin here: http://bit.ly/joindevin. Kate Hayes joined Echoing Green with a clean mission in mind: help nonprofits build better boards. Too many boards are untrained, lack diversity and aren’t fully engaged. She’s developed programs to help nonprofits and board candidates alike to be more effective. What is the problem you solve and how do you solve it? Nonprofit boards are ineffective - members do not reflect the communities they serve, they are not active enough in fundraising, and they are not focused on strategy. Only 16% of board members are under the age of 40; 80% of board members have received no training; and 65% of board members don't think their fellow board members are engaged. At the same time, very few training programs exist, so we are stuck in the cycle of bad boards. Check out my free webinar where I share the secrets of successful nonprofit crowdfunding at http://crowdfundingforsocialgood.org.
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