Even as you describe the author’s shortcomings, and state how regenerative agriculture may be a good way to sequester CO 2, you also underestimate agriculture’s full potential, as you fail to ask the question whether there are plants and trees which could also CAPTURE large amounts of CO 2/Acre, over the next 15 critical years.
So that the world might have the informed option to pick and use the most cost-effective tools to both capture CO 2 and sequester the captured Carbon, why not join with me in asking governments and universities to conduct simple studies, which might confirm and rank the 5 best plants and trees which can capture the most CO 2/Acre, in a 15 year period, so we don’t needlessly underestimate agriculture’s potential to BOTH, cost-effectively capture large amounts of CO 2, is these most critical coming years, in addition to being able to sequester captured Carbon, thru regenerative agriculture?
My limited research shows that Biomass Sorghum, a bio-crop which we like to use in our patented CRBBP Process, to cost-effectively both capture CO2, then sequester the captured Carbon in Bio-Products, will capture nearly 4 times the amount of CO 2/Acre, as an equal acre of trees and twice as much as Switchgrass, at an approximate cost of about $35/Ton.
Not only do we not know the things that we don't (yet) know but we haven't yet invented the things we haven't yet in invented... or put to use the half of what we have!
I say this having just completed a global review of such green technologies that together point to a paradigm shift I'd very much like to talk to you about.
Even as you describe the author’s shortcomings, and state how regenerative agriculture may be a good way to sequester CO 2, you also underestimate agriculture’s full potential, as you fail to ask the question whether there are plants and trees which could also CAPTURE large amounts of CO 2/Acre, over the next 15 critical years.
So that the world might have the informed option to pick and use the most cost-effective tools to both capture CO 2 and sequester the captured Carbon, why not join with me in asking governments and universities to conduct simple studies, which might confirm and rank the 5 best plants and trees which can capture the most CO 2/Acre, in a 15 year period, so we don’t needlessly underestimate agriculture’s potential to BOTH, cost-effectively capture large amounts of CO 2, is these most critical coming years, in addition to being able to sequester captured Carbon, thru regenerative agriculture?
My limited research shows that Biomass Sorghum, a bio-crop which we like to use in our patented CRBBP Process, to cost-effectively both capture CO2, then sequester the captured Carbon in Bio-Products, will capture nearly 4 times the amount of CO 2/Acre, as an equal acre of trees and twice as much as Switchgrass, at an approximate cost of about $35/Ton.
Let me know what you find!!!
Sounds like you're doing some great work! If you have some links, please share!
Devin: Tanks for you comment and per your request for links, you might find the following helpful.
See: https://vimeo.com/724452537/8e76043639
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your thoughtful response.
Thanks, Sam! This has been gnawing at me for a couple of months now.
Spot on Devin!
Not only do we not know the things that we don't (yet) know but we haven't yet invented the things we haven't yet in invented... or put to use the half of what we have!
I say this having just completed a global review of such green technologies that together point to a paradigm shift I'd very much like to talk to you about.
Thanks, Barry! There is a lot that can be done! I'm optimistic it will be! Happy to chat! Feel free to schedule time here: http://book.devin.today.