Never miss another interview! Join Devin here: http://bit.ly/joindevin. Read the full Forbes article and watch the interview here: http://bit.ly/2qXaUtD. Felicity Conrad only worked for Skadden, one of the world's most prominent law firms, for about two years but while she was there she had the opportunity to litigate a pro bono asylum case. She won. And in the bargain, she changed the lives of the family she represented--and her own. She left the firm to launch a site she says is "like Match.com for lawyers" and their pro bono clients. As a first year associate, Conrad says she was afraid to take on the asylum case. It was her first time in a court room. After winning the case, to celebrate, the family took her out to dinner at McDonalds. "The children--the whole family was there. You can see the fruits of your labor in a way that most lawyers never see," she said of the experience. A vegetarian, Conrad describes eating french fries and being thankful "I had said 'yes' to something outside my comfort zone. Now I get to go through life knowing that somewhere out there something is a little bit better because I was able to be a part of it." Read the full Forbes article and watch the interview here: http://bit.ly/2qXaUtD. Need a corporate social responsibility speaker? Learn more about Devin Thorpe at http://corporatesocialresponsibilityspeaker.com.
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