Never miss another interview! Join Devin here: http://bit.ly/joindevin. Read the full Forbes artic le and watch the interview here: http://bit.ly/2bqdgcg. Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes by clicking here: http://bit.ly/ymotwitunes or on Stitcher by clicking here: http://bit.ly/ymotwstitcher. ---------------------- Angela Parker, co-founder and President of Realized Worth, has built a profitable, $1 million revenue consulting practice helping companies like Mcdonalds, TD Bank, and even the UN with volunteering programs. She will share five guidelines for corporate volunteering below. The firm designs custom volunteer programs for its clients and then works with them to implement them successfully. Parker earned an MBA, but that may be where her typical corporate consulting background ends. She worked in a variety of social services efforts, including disaster relief, managing volunteers for nonprofits and helping at-risk kids, she says. While not the typical path for corporate work, it was perfect for the firm she launched with her business partner Chris Jarvis. Both she and Jarvis have written respected pieces on corporate volunteering and giving. Parker approaches volunteering programs more as a corporate training function to develop leaders than as a corporate social responsibility program to meet those standards. ---------------------- Read the full Forbes article and watch the interview here: http://bit.ly/2bqdgcg. Need a corporate social responsibility speaker? Learn more about Devin Thorpe at http://devinthorpe.com.
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