You Can Help These Kids Get Books for School
Crowdfunder: Sariah Villalon of Books for Cristo Rey
Campaign type: We’re looking for donations to support a cause
Campaign link:
Instagram: @booksforcristorey
Goal: 1000
Progress: 847

Project: We are helping senior high students of Cristo Rey High School of Tarlac, Philippines to acquire some textbooks. With the change into the K-12 program, the school was not able to prepare and lacked the resources to even provide some textbooks for the teachers to base their lesson plans on. With the money that we will raise, we will be able to buy textbooks for at least 50 students in the senior high and be able to provide the teachers with the necessary resources to make their classes more effective. This will make the kids be better equipped for college.
Use of funds: We were able to contact some publishing companies and the textbooks are higher than we anticipated. Each book will cost $10. 10% of the total money raised will go to the team who organized and created the crowdfunding. The rest of the funds will go to sending the money and buying as many textbooks as we can.
Anecdote: Alvin who is one of the recipients of this campaign is a great artist. His family does not have much that they could not provide the necessary money to buy school supplies needed when classes begin. With Alvin, he draws portraits of people and sells them to be able to have money to buy his own school supplies and not ask from his parents.
I have also worked with IHHELPP before and we initiated a Give A Book and Build a Library project and Cristo Rey High School was our first recipient and now we are building more libraries around the Philippines.
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