How Community Violence Interrupters Are Helping Communities By Addressing Disrespect
AI Podcast Summary
Marcus McAllister is the guest on the podcast discussing his work in community violence interruption.
He has been involved in violence prevention and intervention for over 20 years.
Marcus started his career in Chicagoland working for an organization called Ceasefire, which later changed its name to Cure Violence.
His work involves diffusing conflicts in communities and using personal experience and credibility to intervene in violence.
The work aims to prevent disrespect and conflicts from escalating into homicides or multiple shootings.
Marcus emphasizes the need for specialized work in community violence intervention, separate from traditional law enforcement, due to the unique nature of diffusing conflicts.
He trains individuals in mediation, conflict resolution, risk reduction plans, and identifying high-risk individuals.
Marcus highlights the importance of optimism and love in his work, which he considers to be his superpowers.
He shares a specific example of using optimism and love to successfully resolve a conflict between two individuals who had engaged in violence.
Marcus can be reached through his website,, or on Instagram @marcusmcall. He is available for consultation and training on community violence intervention.
Join the Impact Cherub Club July Meeting
As we gear up for the 1:00 PM Eastern, July 18, 2023, meeting of the Impact Cherub Club, we invite you to join us. The club is an informal gathering of friends who meet up to review impact investments everyone is eligible to make, and virtually anyone can afford. We share responsibility for completing basic due diligence before making investments. No one is required to invest.
Fintech Entrepreneur Uses Grit to Launch App to Support Crowdfunders
AI Podcast Summary
Devin Thorpe interviews Peter Rostovsky, the founder and CEO of Raiseway, a crowdfunding app for entrepreneurs.
Raiseway is designed to streamline the crowdfunding process and help entrepreneurs accelerate their fundraising journey.
The alpha version of Raiseway is currently available for free use.
Peter’s work with Raiseway could completely alter the investment crowdfunding landscape.
Raiseway aims to make crowdfunding more accessible and affordable for small businesses and startups.
Peter’s key tip for entrepreneurs considering crowdfunding is to thoroughly prepare and evaluate their community and connections before starting.
Peter’s superpower is his grit and determination, which he developed through his experiences as an immigrant and in running his own business.
Peter believes that being okay with failure and having a few wins under your belt can help develop grit.
Raiseway can be accessed through the app; contact Peter directly.
On July 19, 2023, we’ll hold the first-ever SuperCrowdHour with an extraordinary panel I’ll moderate, discussing “The Power of the Purpose Round.” The panel will include Parker Clay CEO Ian Bentley, DealMaker CEO Rebecca Kacaba and Renew VC founder Mark Hubbard. You’re entitled to a 50 percent discount as a Superpowers for Good reader! Join us for just $5 when you use the discount code SUPERCROWD. Register here.
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