Nov 16, 2022Liked by Devin Thorpe

As a business owner, I am seeing first hand the value of social media to engage with our customers. We want to know what they are thinking; we depend on them to give us feedback on how to improve our products. Freedom of speech is so fundamental to the founding of our country and what we do everyday - which is to make communication accessible! Hopeful there is good leadership at the top making pivotal decisions that will shape the future of social media.

“I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it," which is attributed to author, Evelyn Beatrice Hall who wrote The Friends of Voltaire (1906), a biography of the French writer, Voltaire.

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Great points, Anne. Building a good audience on Twitter is tricky. Sometimes, I excuse potentially offensive posts by saying I'm being authentic. The best strategy is authenticity without giving offense, especially for business.

Of course, for those engaged in politics, as I have been, authenticity demands honest articulation of genuine opinions and positions. Again, a key is to that inoffensively. That is a challenge for me I'm working on.

That is a great and important quote that has been somewhat ignored in recent years! We too often want to silence voices that don't agree with us!

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Devin Thorpe

Agree; building an audience on Twitter is tricky. I remain hopeful that Twitter's leadership will support freedom of expression,, treat employees with respect and integrity, and that people will be kind, compassionate, and responsible with their words. in-person and on social media.

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certainly do not disagree with the utility that Twitter (formerly) provided was a standard, albeit lacking in so many ways that singular market dominants enjoy. That said, like many American industries, my observation is that there will always end up being three companies owning each category. And while I have no confidence "Truth" Social will be one of them in this sector, it is painfully clear that we need more competition...and that extends to all megacorps in general. Anticompetitive business practices, obscene profiteering at the expense of people and the planet, and covert collusion among market leaders all result in what we have today: price gouging and market manipulation virtually unchecked. Luckily, I have found one platform to occupy this space and encourage others to make use of its novel and useful functions that both eclipse the shallow content often found on Twitter and specialize in areas of interest that only make the platform more efficient and relevant. Brainsy.com is the site. And if our vertical within that platform is of interest, come take a look. It's free. https://www.crowdfundingecosystem.com/

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Scott, you're wise to highlight Brainsy in this discussion. The CfPA ECO built by Brainsy provides a forum for constructive discussion around important topics. If fosters thoughtful, expert analysis rather than Twitter's contest for the best quip.

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