Trainer Launches RallyMe Campaign To Fund Outdoor-Online Program
Melanie Webb is the founder of Sol Fitness Adventures and is raising money on RallyMe to fund the the launch of her new certification program. Recently, we connected with her to learn about the effort; here’s what she told us.
What is the social benefit you hope to achieve with or through your crowdfunding campaign?
U.S. Secretary of the Department of the Interior Sally Jewell said that “the future of the outdoor industry and America’s public lands depends on reconnecting people – especially our young people – to the outdoors.”
Like Secretary Jewell, I believe that if every person could experience the joy of what their body can do, in connection with the wonders of nature, the entire world would be healthier and happier. I’ve seen others de-stress and rejuvenate on my fitness retreats, and I want more people to have these opportunities. We can help our communities be healthy and reclaim that wild, instinctive, necessary part of being human – outdoor adventure!

How much money are you hoping to raise and why? How much have you raised so far?
I’m raising $10,000 to share my method of leading fitness retreats through an online training program and two-day teacher training workshop, Sol Guide Certification. As of Day 3 of a 30 day campaign I’ve raised $4,270, or 43% of my goal.
The $10,000 raised through this RallyMe campaign will help me:
Share my message and reach the individuals and organizations who need this toolkit
Complete the back end IT integration processes needed to purchase the course online
Register the course for continuing education credits (CEC’s) with fitness certifying bodies
Assist with operating costs for the first 6 months
The course is 100% complete, as is integration with the website for online purchase. I simply need more money – and press – to take the course to market.
Whom are you trying to help with your project and why?
Up to 69% of Americans are overweight. An additional 18% suffer from anxiety and depression. Our children suffer from the effects of nature deprivation. The outdoor industry and America’s public lands are in jeopardy because we’re raising a generation of children who have not been exposed to their wonders.
I believe that restoring and nurturing the individual connection between ourselves and the earth is essential to health and well-being, that the very act of placing ourselves in an outdoor setting can be rejuvenating, restorative, and healing. Sol Guide Certification is my way of trying to make a difference and inspiring others to embrace an active lifestyle. While I’m getting started here in the U.S., I intend to take Sol Guide to the global community.
I created Sol Guide certification in response to a growing number of fitness professionals and recreation-minded individuals who are looking for ways to help others improve overall fitness and wellness outside of the gym. In addition, they are seeking ways to assist others in attaining wellness and self-knowledge – both body and mind – through a connection to nature, but need guidance on how to effectively lead these types of experiences.
We can help the global community collectively by giving them more opportunities to experience an active lifestyle. We do this by educating the leaders in their community and sharing the knowledge and tools to help them help others. Below is a bit more detail on our two target audiences:
Sol Guide certification appeals to fitness instructors looking to get out of the gym and deliver a lifestyle approach to fitness. Specialty fitness certifications are a way of life for fitness professionals; they understand that in order to sustain and grow their clientele – whether through private individuals or group classes – their offerings must be relevant and effective. For this reason, most fitness professionals regularly seek out “the next great thing” when it comes to specialty certifications so that they can offer their clients new and interesting fitness methods.
Recreation-minded Individuals. A growing number of individuals who already enjoy an active lifestyle are looking for ways to expand their fitness experiences. Sol Guide certification, particularly at Level I, appeals to this population because the curriculum will equip them with basic integrated fitness/mindfulness/outdoor strategies to deepen their outdoor exercise experiences. These individuals may include well-paid professionals who crave immersive fitness experiences (aka, “weekend warriors”), avid cyclists (e.g., long distance biking 3 times/week) or triathletes. Baby boomers are particularly interested in ways to stay young and vibrant to avoid injury and age gracefully. Parents are always looking for ways to engage children in outdoor activities. Sol Guide certification helps parents design custom-made family experiences that are not only safe and fun, but also help them grow closer together through engaging with nature.
What rewards, if any, are you offering to your supporters?
I have six categories of perks to share with my donors, several from my own brand sponsors and others from my direct product line.
A gift package from NAAWK skincare for the $75 donation
A yoga mat from ATHLETA, a Gap Brand, for the $150 donation
A $50 discount on Sol Guide Online Training for the $250 donation
A stand up paddle from Carbonerro for the $500 donation
A $200 discount on the 2-day teacher training workshop for the $1,800 donation
An all-inclusive, fully 2-day guided fitness adventure for 4 people in Zion National Park
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