This Show Is Absolutely Safe For Work
This post was originally produced for Forbes.
It used to be that everyone who saw Jason Hewlett perform asked, “Why isn’t this guy famous?” As his reputation grows, folks simply observe that he may be the funniest person ever to take a stage.
It turns out, however, that the answer to the initial question provides an important insight into who Hewlett really is. Years ago, he was performing in Las Vegas and was offered his own show. The deal was huge for young Hewlett as he’d be headlining in Vegas while his peers were still in college.
When it came time to sign contracts, he says, he found the terms unacceptable. In order to appeal to an adult audience he was to be required to use language and perform material that he personal found objectionable and had never wanted to perform.
Hewlett walked.
Fame and fortune seemed to evaporate before his eyes.
Since then, he’s become one of the most sought after corporate entertainers in the business because his fall-off-your-chair funny material is absolutely safe for work. Check out his YouTube page.
In recent years, Hewlett has sought to incorporate more of a message into his material, working to become as sought after for keynote speaking as entertaining. His message is perfect for mission driven entrepreneurs.
“When we are willing to commit to something, to see it through, there is no greater joy,” he says. “What are you committed to?”
Always humble, Hewlett often reminds his audience, “You have talents I don’t have, and I have talents you don’t want!”
On Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 3:00 Eastern, Hewlett will join me for a live discussion about his career and his insights for social entrepreneurs. Tune in here then to watch the interview live. Post questions in the comments below or tweet questions before the interview to @devindthorpe.
More about Jason Hewlett The Entertainer:
Twitter: @jasonhewlett
Jason Hewlett Entertainment’s mission is to provide world-class, family-friendly, G-larious entertainment, inspiration, and joy for major corporate events, youth education and religious forums, and public shows. In partnering with clients on their most important events, JHE provides recommendations of the best of the best in speakers, entertainers, masters of ceremonies, and many more.

David Archuleta, a serviceman, Dan Clark and Jason Hewlett, taken during a USO tour of Iraq and Afghanistan in 2014.
Hewlett’s bio:
Jason Hewlett The Entertainer has appeared at over 2,000 events and venues in the last decade as one of the country’s premiere corporate event Headliners. In 2014 he was awarded the Certified Speaking Professional by the National Speakers Association, as well as acting as Master of Ceremonies for the largest corporate events in the world. Jason has performed in every major casino in Las Vegas, appeared on the nationally televised Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon, and received the “Best of State Entertainment Award” in his home state of Utah multiple times. He began his career with the Las Vegas “Legends in Concert”. His shows, speeches, and presentations are a combination of comedy, music, parody, and over-the-top hilarious impressions, stories, and lessons on commitment, embracing what makes us unique, and spreading JOY, received with standing ovations from audiences worldwide.
The post This Show Is Absolutely Safe For Work appeared first on Your Mark On The World.