A Short Film by Award-winning Filmmaker About Veterans and PTSD
Following the completion of his 2nd feature film, “Behind the Mirror”, a psychological thriller made for Sampsonic Media, which premiers June 19th at the Manhattan Film Festival – New York based producer / director Minos Papas has announced immediate plans for a new short film: “TANGO ON THE BALCONY”.
A Short Film by Award-winning Filmmaker About Veterans and PTSD
A Short Film by Award-winning Filmmaker About…
A Short Film by Award-winning Filmmaker About Veterans and PTSD
Following the completion of his 2nd feature film, “Behind the Mirror”, a psychological thriller made for Sampsonic Media, which premiers June 19th at the Manhattan Film Festival – New York based producer / director Minos Papas has announced immediate plans for a new short film: “TANGO ON THE BALCONY”.