See the Great Companies We're Considering at the June Impact Cherub Club Meeting
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I’m not a financial advisor; nothing I write in Superpowers for Good should be considered investment advice. You should seek appropriate counsel before making investment decisions.
As we gear up for the 1:00 PM Eastern, June 18, 2024, meeting of the Impact Cherub Club, we invite you to join us. The club meets to review impact investments everyone is eligible to make, and virtually anyone can afford. We share responsibility for completing basic due diligence before making investments. While members are encouraged to invest in the Club’s picks, no one is required to invest.
The Club is open to all “Impact Members” of the SuperCrowd (our paying subscribers). I don’t touch the money members invest. They do so directly for their own accounts. We benefit from new members by the fresh perspectives they bring and our growing social impact. Please join us!
Next Meeting—June 18, at 1:00 PM Eastern
At our next meeting on June 18, at 1:00 PM Eastern/10:00 AM Pacific, consistent with our plans for future sessions, the agenda will have three items:
Diligence Reports
Education Moment
Preliminary Consideration of New Candidate Investments
I’ll review those items in reverse order.
New Company Consideration
After some preliminary screening, I’ve shared some candidate offerings with the members of the club to choose which we’ll review this month. Members chose the following:
ZNest, with a valuation of $12 million, is raising funds on Wefunder. The company is working towards making the lives of older adults better through well-managed senior housing. ZNest is Zillow combined with LinkedIn for the senior housing industry and solves the issues of labor shortage and high referral fees with its digital marketplace. The platform has a job board that is purpose-built for senior housing jobs, a marketplace to eliminate hidden referral fees, and SaaS tools to fix inefficiencies. Bennett Kim founded ZNest in March 2022. The current crowdfunding campaign has a minimum target of $50,000 and a maximum target of $2 million. The campaign proceeds will be used for product development, marketing, and legal fees. (Courtesy of KingsCrowd.)
Ciel Creative Space
Ciel Creative Space is raising funds on SMBX. It is an award-winning multi-studio venue in Berkeley, California. Ciel Creative Space houses professionals from the fashion, music, art, and tech local and global realms and is at the forefront of the creative industry. The space enables creators to streamline their creative process under one roof and empowers clients through a studio experience and an inspiring environment. Cecilia Caparas Apelin and Alexis Laurent founded Ciel Creative Space in June 2018. The current crowdfunding campaign has a minimum target of $10,000 and a maximum target of $400,000. The campaign proceeds will be used for financial review, staffing, and expansion of the brick-and-mortar location. (Courtesy of KingsCrowd.)
Education Moment
We’ll spend a few minutes reviewing artificial intelligence tools for conducting due diligence.
Diligence Reports
We’ll begin with the due diligence reports from the Impact Cherub Club members who volunteered to research the companies after we briefly learned a bit about them last month. After hearing the members’ reports, we’ll vote to determine whether or not to recommend investment in the companies. The decision will be made available to all Impact Cherub Club members, including those who don’t attend this month. Register here.
Here are the companies we’ll learn more about this month:
Biochar Life
Biochar Life is raising funds on Wefunder. The company is empowering smallholder farmers with its biochar. Biochar is a supercharcoal made by heating biomass without oxygen and helps to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere without burning. Biochar Life aims to reduce carbon emissions, enhance public health, reduce poverty, and increase employment. The business has reported a five-time revenue growth in the last twelve months and brought about a sizeable environmental impact with the removal of 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide to date. Jason Highberger, Aom Kwanpiromtara, and Evelind Schecter founded Biochar Life in February 2022. The current crowdfunding campaign has a minimum target of $100,000 and a maximum target of $350,000. The campaign proceeds will be used for marketing and business development activities, strengthening technical and compliance team capabilities, and working capital. (Courtesy of Kingscrowd.)
Solar for Liberty Hill Farms
Solar for Liberty Hill Farms is raising funds on Climatize. It is a solar energy project to be deployed at Liberty Hill Farms in Somerville, Tennessee. Solar for Liberty Hill Farms will include a 267 kW solar installation with 522.24 kWh of battery storage. The project has secured a 40% ITC, has been awarded a 50% USDA REAP grant, and will help to avoid 5,719 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. John Carey founded Solar for Liberty Hill Farms in May 2023. The current crowdfunding campaign has a minimum target of $850,000 and a maximum target of $980,000. The campaign proceeds will be used to complete the solar and storage project. (Courtesy of Kingscrowd.)
Upcoming SuperCrowd Event Calendar
If a location is not noted, the events below are virtual.
SuperCrowdChicago, June 12, 2024. This in-person event at Columbia College Chicago features some of Chicago’s prominent citizens and community leaders, along with crowdfunding experts. Use the discount code “SuperCrowd” to save 50 percent! Watch the recording here!
Impact Cherub Club Meeting hosted by The Super Crowd, Inc., a public benefit corporation, on June 18, 2024, at 1:00 PM Eastern. Each month, the Club meets to review new offerings for investment consideration and to conduct due diligence on previously screened deals. To join the Impact Cherub Club, you must first become an Impact Member of the SuperCrowd.
SuperCrowdHour, June 19, 2024, at 1:00 Eastern. Each month, we host a value-laden webinar for aspiring impact investors or social entrepreneurs. At this month’s webinar, Angela Barbash of Revalue will share insights about moving money from Wall Street to Main Street. Register here.
Superpowers for Good Live Pitch, June 26, 2024, at 9:00 PM Eastern. We’ll host a live pitch right here on Superpowers for Good. If you would like to be one of the companies pitching, apply here.
Recently, we created an AI GPT to help you learn more about The Super Crowd, Inc., a public benefit corporation, and our upcoming events. Click here to try it.
Community Event Calendar
Successful Funding with Karl Dakin, Tuesdays at 10:00 AM ET - Click on Events
The Reg A & Crowdfunding Conference, June 20, Westchester Country Club (Save 20% with the code Super20). We have a few free tickets; let us know if you want one.
How Small Businesses Can Raise Capital from the Crowd, Thursday, July 11, 1 – 2 pm ET: Explore transforming your community connections into capital to start or grow a small business through regulated investment crowdfunding. Learn more about how this type of crowdfunding works and the benefits and challenges of raising capital from the crowd. About our Presenter: Author and journalist Devin Thorpe has over 25 years in finance and a rich background as a former CFO and investment banking firm founder. He’s also a champion for social good, publishing his Superpowers for Good newsletter and show.
Crowdfunding Professional Association, Summit in DC, October 22-23
If you would like to submit an event for us to share with the 6,000+ members of the SuperCrowd, click here.