I realize that so much of our country and companies have probably been impacted by not so good morals, values, and ethics. While I cannot change the past, I can be cognitive of my business decisions today; thankfully, with digital communications and the internet, I can engage in more due diligence than perhaps our predecessors had available to them. Indeed, if we are painfully honest and raw with ourselves, we can look back and see decisions we made or people made for us may not have been the best. The intent to learn from those and go forward with grace and compassion is ideal. Kudos to you for writing such a cathartic piece; hopefully, your readers can say, "I've been there and I will do better, too."

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Thanks, Anne. You're a great example of capitalism with compassion. Your facemasks solve an assortment of social problems making life better in many ways. I'm grateful to you and others like you who innovate meaningful change! Thanks for your kind note and your great example.

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Devin. Thanks for this. I now a) understand you better and b) see the need for helping more people go through this kind of conversion experience. Hopefully without the firings and bankruptcies.

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Thanks, Chip. I do hope to make up for my mistakes with my work going forward. I can't likely do enough but I'm committed to do all I can. I hope many more will join us!

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Good story. I’ve been complicit too.

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Good piece. I am just now reading a book on the ethics and scruples of Abraham Lincoln. He would have liked you in his cabinet. Press forward my friend.

Robert Chandler

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