Crowdfunding Campaigner Magazine The Platform For Thought Leadership
With the belief that crowdfunding is now becoming recognized as a channel to finance the dreams of our target market the overall intention of the magazine is to support the crowdfunding process by way of sharing knowledge from our subject matter experts, share experiences from campaigners and investors and overall become a reference and guide to crowdfunding success.
The quality of the magazine is based on the expertise and knowledge of the featured contributors delivering relevant, incisive and inspiring content covering many their years of raising finance for entrepreneurs, startups and business members alike.
Crowdfunding Campaigner Magazines goal and KPI is to become a global presence in supporting crowdfunding and a point of reference where the approach differs in countries due to rules and regulations while watching the growth of the many platforms Kickstarter and Indiegogo manage to help to raise the funds required by campaigners.
With the increase in mobile touchscreen devices content delivery and design is no longer the same as web or print. Publishing and distribution of content in this new mobile age is forever changing because readers now have greater expectations from this medium.
Crowdfunding Campaigner Magazine has the mobile trend in mind with future proofing as a market objective. With mobility in mind the magazine provides content to subscribers in a way that it is most likely to be consumed at any given moment. The effect will be more touch points for the user to the brand, deepening value, brand loyalty with greater engagement between the contributors and readers.
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