What If You Could Keep Thousands Of Students From Dropping Out?
“Everyday 8,300 students drop out of high school, costing society $292,000 over the course of their lifetime because they are more likely to live in poverty, experience poor health, and be involved in crime,” explains Kip Kint, the Director of Training for School of Life Foundtion, an organization that aims to significantly reduce the rate at which students drop out of High School.
Jack Rolfe, the CEO and Founder of School of Life, notes, “The mission of the School of Life Foundation is to assist in reversing this trend and increase high school graduation rates. This is accomplished by teaching an afterschool program to at-risk students.”
Kip explains the program’s focus on teaching life skills, “Taking ownership of one’s own life is the key to success. The School of Life empowers students to take ownership, even if less-than-ideal circumstances remain in other parts of their lives. They come away knowing they have more power than they thought they did.”
Rolfe notes that the program is highly effective, “Of the Senior students dropping out of high school that complete the program 88% turn around and graduate on time. The success rate of underclassmen advancing to their next grade level is 98%.”
As a result of the program’s effectiveness, the program launched just four years ago will operate in 30 high schools across three states this fall.
On Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 5:00 Eastern, Jack and Kip will join me for a live discussion about the program and the data they use to track their impact. Tune in here then to watch the interview live. Post questions in the comments below or tweet questions before the interview to @devindthorpe.
You can download an audio podcast here or subscribe via iTunes.
More about the School of Life Foundation:
Twitter: @SOLFstraightAs
The School of Life Foundation is a nonprofit organization that aims to disrupt troublesome high school dropout rates throughout the United States and is committed to the social, moral and character development of youth. We donate our workbook, Learn To “School” Your Toughest Opponent, and accompanying training program to high schools. The book offers life-guiding principles and values to help youth achieve straight A’s in the school of life. Many of our partner schools are implementing the School of Life program as Tier 2 of their Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS) system to enhance their school culture.

Jack Rolfe
Jack’s bio:
Mr. Rolfe is a retired physical therapist and girls basketball coach. He is a past President of the Nevada State Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association and also past President of the St. George Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassador group the Dixie Sunshiners. His coaching experiences consisted of little leagues, middle school, high school, college camps, WNBA camps, and traveling AAU clubs. From these life experiences Jack was inspired to write the book Learn to “School” Your Toughest Opponent which contains the Straight A’s in Life curriculum. To share the message of this workbook Mr. Rolfe created a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization the School of Life Foundation and now serves as CEO. In an effort to further the mission of the Foundation he attained a Masters of Nonprofit Administration Degree from the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame graduating in 2013. Mr. Rolfe also authored the book 27 Seconds and coauthored Life Choices: It is Never Too Late and Heart of a Toastmaster. He enjoys speaking professionally and was honored to speak at the First Annual National Youth Mentoring Summit held at the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. Jack and his wife Lexie reside in St. George, Utah. They have five children and nine grandchildren. Jack’s cohort at Notre Dame named him the Silver Fox!

Kip Kint
Kip’s bio:
Twitter: @KipKint
Kip Kint is the Director of Training for the School of Life Foundation. Kip is also the author of You Can If You Will: How to Succeed Through Commitment and Accountability. He has more than 20 years of business and leadership experience, having worked in leadership positions for large, successful companies such as WordPerfect, Novell, FranklinCovey and BNI. Kip has been an Executive Trainer and Success Coach for over 20 years. He is a Certified FranklinCovey Coach, an effectiveness expert and a professional speaker. Clients of note have come from prominent organizations such as the U.S. Department of Justice, The United Nations, Allied Waste/Republic Services, The New York Stock Exchange, Disney, Microsoft, BNI and many others.
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The post What If You Could Keep Thousands Of Students From Dropping Out? appeared first on Your Mark On The World.