Teen Feeds Families, Unites Community
This is a guest post from Tiana Ramos, 17 year old owner and visionary with a plan to change the lives of others, one donut at a time.
Tiana Ramos
Would like to invite you to participate in an upcoming event dedicated to feeding the hunger in our community. The “DAY OF UNITY” Food Giveaway celebrates the citizens and businesses of Front Royal Virginia in joining forces and using our collective energy in an effort to feed the hungry in our community. Recently making national news , Front Royal, also being called “The Footloose Town” has been in a spotlight of both criticism and support regarding individual belief systems.
Tiana Ramos in particular is leading this campaign after receiving a landslide of national coverage after opening her flagship location in her donut chain and receiving scrutiny from her home town and community for the moniker on her business “Naughty Girl Donuts” With worldwide exposure came an abundance of support for the local teenager who employs entrepreneurial driven teens to work in her shop. Tiana who initially felt like her dream of having her own business that started on a dream board and eventually found its way to capitalized investors was suddenly caught in the middle of a religious and political turmoil stemming from conservative belief systems. All Tiana really wanted to do was make donuts, give to her community and inspire other young people to work towards their dreams. A Noble cause.
Tiana Ramos would like to bring her community back together again doing something she loves to do, “feed people.” With the help of other local businesses Tiana would like to invite you to join her cause by donating in kind , with a monetary donation for an event taking place November 23rd from 1-6pm at American Legion Front Royal Virginia 22 West 8th Street, Front Royal VA. Each family will receive a box containing a choice of turkey or ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes,cranberry sauce , gravy , dinner rolls, cake mix and donuts.
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