I recently found the coolest web site I’ve seen in a long time, TakeThemAMeal.com. This site was created by two of the nicest people I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting-at least by phone.
Adina Baily and Scott Rogers created the site when Adina jumped in to organize meals for a mutual friend who nearly died needed several months to recover. The time it took Adina to answer emails and voice mails from family and friends wanting to help, volunteering to provide meals on nights already covered, etc, was taking away from the time she wanted just to spend with her friend, so Adina asked Scott to build the site.
Within a few days, he had it up and running. They hadn’t given much thought to sharing the tool with other people, but before their first friend was out of the hospital, another one was diagnosed with cancer. Scott tweaked the site to support more calendars for anyone.
So far, Adina and Scott tell me they’ve served up 1.1 million meals on the site and that 25,000 people use it every day.
I’m almost excited for someone I know to get sick! Wait, we can use it when friends have babies, too, so I’ll hope for that!
And if you need to plan a potluck dinner, try their companion site: PerfectPotluck.com.
There will be more about the TakeThemAMeal.com story in my book, Your Mark on the World, which will be published next month!
How will you leave your mark on the world?
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