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As a Paying Subscriber You Get Free Admission to SuperCrowd23
As a member of the elite group of paying subscribers to Superpowers for Good, you are entitled to free admission to the virtual SuperCrowd23 on Wednesday and Thursday. At-the-door VIP tickets go for $250; you get one for free.
Are you interested in making money as an investor, with either a little or a lot? This is the event for you! Professional investors on the program will offer invaluable guidance. You’ll also have an opportunity to practice at the live pitch sessions!
Do you want to make a difference in your community? Do you want to solve big social or environmental problems? Do you want to support diverse founders? Join us to learn how to do so more effectively! Again, you’ll get a chance to make investments during the live pitch sessions at SuperCrowd23.
As an entrepreneur or small business owner, do you want to learn how raising money via investment crowdfunding fits into your capitalization plan as an entrepreneur? Perhaps you’d like to know how crowdfunding could facilitate t…