Support The Shining Tree to Help Launch an Artists in Residence Programme
The Shining Tree, a Nonprofit art organization has launched a sustainable, supportive Artists in Residence and exhibition programme. They are raising money on Indiegogo. Recently I caught up with Debbie Taylor to learn more about the effort; here’s what she told me:
What is the social benefit you hope to achieve with or through your crowdfunding campaign?
Hello. I’m Debbie Taylor and I’ve made a garden retreat (with an off-grid studio) from a wasteland; a larger studio and exhibition space… they’re all part of my family home; and I want to offer this space to graduate artists who need a bit of time and a bit of space and a bit of support to develop their practice. The idea of a somehow transformative space where artists would be well looked after, and left alone when they wanted has grown from my own experiences. However, I don’t believe artists should have to pay to participate in residencies, nor do I believe that artists’ residencies should be the privilege of those with means… so I’m crowdfunding on Indiegogo to award participating artists a residency fee. Right now, I’ve two artists ‘trialling’ the programme. BENEFITS OF THE ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE PROGRAMME The programme benefits residency artists, the host organisation and the local community – including local businesses. The benefits set out below have been guided by The Shining Tree’s ongoing research into Artists Residencies, in particular from the Artists Moving & Learning European Report prepared by PACTE-CNRS and DEUSTO, a project funded with support from the European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme.
Professional development
Economic benefits
Cultural development
Organisational Learning
How much money are you hoping to raise and why? How much have you raised so far?
Via my nonprofit ‘The Shining Tree’ I’m hoping to raise £2000 GBP on Indiegogo, I’ve raised almost half of that so far but only have days to go to reach my target! The money I raise will go directly to the artists involved this first year of the programme – it will be their residency fee so they can live in the village, any additional funds I raise will go towards their subsequent exhibition costs. This first year is a ‘pilot’ project, which I think is important, we’ll all learn a lot. For subsequent years of the programme I’ve applied for a small pot of public funding from UK organisations, and they’ll see I’ve raised this money myself this first year of the programme, that goes some way in helping to get arts funding!
Whom are you trying to help with your project and why?
The Shining Tree Artists in Residence programme will help to support two graduate visual artists based in Cumbria or Scotland each year, whatever their age. I want to help graduate artists who need a bit of time and space to develop their practice in a supportive, rural environment.
What rewards, if any, are you offering to your supporters?
Almost all of the rewards I’m offering have a connection to the rural landscape where the Artists in Residence programme is based… homemade local produce (like honey and homemade sweets); hand-pulled screenprints inspired by a ‘libertine’ Jackdaw on my rooftop that I call ‘Juan’ (because the bird talks away and somehow sounds Spanish!) and original artworks by the artists in residence. I’m also offering my poetry, handwritten on handmade postcards… inspired by the garden retreat that’s part of the residency programme. Something for everyone – I hope!
Check out the campaign: Visit the website. Follow on Facebook. Follow on Twitter at @TheShiningTree
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