Your Support To Bolieve’s Mission Helps Educate Kids in Bolivia
Bolieve will produce handmade backpacks and by selling each backpack, they will provide a day of education to an average of 25 kids in Bolivia. They are raising money on kickstarter. Recently I caught up with Gabriel Ruiz to learn more about the effort; here’s what he told me:
What is the social benefit you hope to achieve with or through your crowdfunding campaign?
Bolieve’s mission goes beyond high-quality handmade products by incorporating social entrepreneurship. For each handmade backpack sold, Bolieve will provide a day of education to an average of 25 kids in Bolivia. By implementing the one for one model, it will tackle the top factors of poverty, lack of job opportunities and quality education.

How much money are you hoping to raise and why? How much have you raised so far?
I’m hoping to raise $30,000. The main reason is to reduce the production cost of the handmade products by order a higher quantity of items, therefore, we can make a bigger social impact. So far I’ve raised $1,600 ans we have 26 days left in Kickstarter.
Whom are you trying to help with your project and why?
As a native Bolivian, I have a enormous desire to help communities in need from Bolivia. I’ve seen the struggles that they have and I’m sure that with social entrepreneurship I can make a considerable positive impact in Bolivian communities, not just by donating money for education but also serve as an example to Bolivian entrepreneurs so they can begin contributing to different social obstacles.
What rewards, if any, are you offering to your supporters?
The rewards basically consists on Handcrafted Bolivian Backpacks, we also offer handmade bracelets. All of our products are handmade with high quality “Aguayo” and Leather. Aguayo is a traditional handmade weave absolutely beautiful.
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