Special Invitation for YMOTW Readers
Utah Valley University’s Center for the Study of Ethics (let’s call it the Ethics Center) has extended a special offer for Your Mark on the World readers. The Ethics Center is accepting applications through March 15 to receive a $5,000 prize for social enterprises that innovatively support sustainability.
We strongly encourage you to apply as you are among a relatively small cohort of organizations invited to participate.
The David R. Keller Prize for Innovation is Sustainability is named for the former director of the Ethics Center. Keller passed away in 2013 at age 51 after a short battle with cancer brought on by the radiation treatments for a cancer 30 years earlier.
More about the prize:
David R. Keller Prize for Innovation in Sustainability: The Center for the Study of Ethics and the Office of New Urban Mechanics invites applications for its inaugural David R. Keller Prize for Innovation in Sustainability. The prize is an effort to recognize and support communities and social entrepreneurs working to advance sustainable practices in connection with our natural environment. The prize is awarded each year for exemplary innovation that improves the prospect of sustainable human development.
Why innovation? It is widely accepted that our current relationship with the natural environment is unsustainable. Genuine and lasting sustainability will require dramatic breakthroughs in technology, public policy, research, business models, and human understanding. For this reason, the Keller Prize awards and recognizes innovation that supports the advancement of stable and productive environmental practices.>
Who is eligible? Government entities, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit organizations that operate as social enterprises are eligible to apply. Special consideration will be given to projects and programs that directly affect ecosystems and locales within the State of Utah.
Please note that the prize is open to applicants from across the Western U.S.
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