Seventh Annual Got2Run For Education Run/Walk Steps Off May 19 In Arlington Heights, Illinois
Since 2012, Popular Community Event Has Raised More Than $130,000
For Wellness Programs At Schools Throughout The Chicago Area

The seventh annual Got2Run for Education takes place Saturday, May 19, in Arlington Heights. The popular community event has raised more than $130,000 for school wellness programs since its inception in 2012. Get more information and register at
Press Release – ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILL – The seventh annual Got2Run for Education run/walk will take place on Saturday, May 19, in Arlington Heights. Since its inception in 2012, this popular community event has raised more than $130,000 for local school wellness programs, with participants selecting which schools receive their proceeds. Participants simply check a box to identify the school or write their school in if it’s not listed. After last year’s race, $14.55 per participant benefitted schools.
Got2Run includes a 2.62-mile “micro-marathon” run/walk, an 8K (4.97-mile) run and a 2.62-mile unassisted wheelchair event, all of which begin and end at the southeast corner of Sigwalt Street and Arlington Heights Road (across from the Arlington Heights Village Hall). The races start at 8 a.m. and run through the beautiful Scarsdale neighborhood. This year’s event will once again be promoted by 101.9 FM The Mix, a Champion Sponsor.
The affordable registration fee has stayed the same: through May 13, $15 for students 19 and under and $25 for adults 20 and over. The fee includes a technical t-shirt, zipper pull backpack tag, bumper sticker, healthy refreshments and awards to the top three finishers for each race in each age group.
Got2Run is organized by Northwest Road Runners, Inc., a local running club that was established in 2011 for the purpose of organizing a yearly kids’ running race. Founding planning committee member and race director Jeff Chamberlin, a Mount Prospect father, says the group’s goal is to encourage kids and their parents to become interested in running as a healthy lifestyle choice for the rest of their lives.
Online registration for Got2Run is available at until Friday, May 18. Participants also can print the registration form from the website and mail it in by May 12, or register on race day (print the form and bring it to the race). For those who register in advance, packets can be picked up from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on May 18 at Runners High-N-Tri, 121 W. Campbell St., Arlington Heights.
Complete event details can be found at, including Couch-to-2.62 and Couch-to-8K training programs that will help runners prepare for race day.
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