Off to Angola to See Some Good
On Thursday this week I’ll be leaving for Angola, a country in Sub-Saharan Africa. The purpose of my trip is to do research for a case study on impact investing that I’m writing for Forbes. I hope to gather enough information to make a good “Kindle Single” as well.

Prior to my invitation to go, I knew nothing about the country. I’m learning as quickly as I can.
If you’ve ever been to Angola, please comment below. Tell me what you thought of the country, the food, the people, the opportunities and the challenges there.
The case study I’m preparing will focus on Vital Capital, a private equity firm headquartered in Switzerland that invests exclusively in Africa and principally in Angola.
This trip will help me to answer some key questions:
Can capitalism drive social good and still provide a return on the capital?
Does the need for a return on the capital impair or enhance the social impact of the investment?
How do you manage a project to have both social impact and economic returns?
How do nonprofits, governments and capitalists work together to greatest effect?
What other questions do you think I should explore? Please comment below.
I’m grateful to the folks at Vital Capital who are underwriting the cost of the trip.
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