New Resource Aims To Help Students With ADHD
This post was originally produced for Forbes.
“ADHD is like having a powerful race car for a brain, but with bicycle brakes. You need to strengthen your brakes to win races in life,” said Dr. Ned Hallowell, an MD child psychiatrist and leading authority on ADHD.
Recently, 15 nonprofits collaborated to create with help from Hallowell to help students with ADHD and a variety of other learning and attention issues.
Philanthropist Shelly London explains, “One in five children struggles with issues related to reading, writing, math, focus and organization. These kids are as smart as their peers, and with the right strategies and support, they can go from simply coping to truly thriving in school and in life.”
“Parents told us that they want personalized support all along the journey with their kids. But that’s not easy to find. So the 15 nonprofits came together to give all parents access to just that no matter what resources they have or where they live,” she continued.”

“Understood is a comprehensive free online resource that empowers parents through personalized support, daily access to experts, specially designed tools and a secure community. It is available in English, Spanish and read-aloud mode and works equally well on computer, tablet and smartphone,” she concluded.
Hallowell added, “As a parent, how you approach your child’s learning and attention issues will set the tone for how your child manages it his or herself. When you show them compassion and understanding, you teach them to love themselves and see their strengths.”
On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at noon Eastern, Hallowell and London will join me for a live discussion about Understood. Tune in here then to watch the interview live.
More about the Poses Family Foundation:
Poses Family Foundation (PFF) is a New York City-based foundation that supports organizations in five different focus areas. The Foundation is particularly passionate about and deeply committed to improving the lives of people with learning and attention issues. PFF is one of 15 founding partners in Understood, a comprehensive free resource for parents of the 1 in 5 kids with learning and attention issues.
More about the Hallowell Centers:
The Hallowell Centers offer comprehensive mental health diagnostic and treatment services to our patients and their families. The first center was founded by Dr. Edward Hallowell in 1996. It provides a full range of diagnostic, medical, counseling, support and alternative treatment services for children and adults with learning issues, mental disorders and ADHD. Our Strength-Based Philosophy: First we search for what is good, strong and healthy in a person, then what is in need of remediation. The Hallowell Centers integrate the latest research on brain, body and heart. We help people with emotional issues and learning disabilities lead happier, more productive lives through a positive, balanced treatment approach.

Shelly London
London’s bio:
Shelly London, president of the Poses Family Foundation established by Nancy and Fred Poses, is a retired senior corporate executive, current NYU adjunct professor, former Harvard fellow, pro bono consultant to nonprofits and social entrepreneur. She worked 18 years at AT&T T +0.32% primarily in marketing and communication, most recently as a senior vice president. Before retiring in 2008, Shelly served eight years as vice president and chief communications officer at American Standard Companies, which Fred Poses led as chairman and CEO.
In 2009, Shelly was one of 14 inaugural fellows in Harvard University’s Advanced Leadership Initiative, a program for senior leaders who want to move from their primary careers to a life of service. While at Harvard, she began working with partners, students and professors to develop a multifaceted, multimedia program designed to promote ethical thinking among pre-teens, teens and the adults in their lives. The team created several initiatives, including The Family Dinner Project: and a computer game called Quandary:, which won Game of the Year at the 2013 Games for Change conference.
Shelly teaches ethics at New York University’s Stern School of Business and serves as a pro bono consultant to nonprofits in such areas as the arts, education and learning and attention issues. She graduated with highest distinction in journalism and earned an MBA, both from the University of Kansas.

Dr. Ned Hallowell
Hallowell’s bio:
Edward Hallowell, M.D., is a child and adult psychiatrist, NY Times bestselling author, world-renowned speaker and leading authority in the field of ADHD. He was a faculty member at Harvard Medical School from 1983 to 2004, graduated from Harvard College and Tulane School of Medicine, and is the founder of The Hallowell Centers for Cognitive and Emotional Health. These Centers offer comprehensive mental health diagnostic and treatment services to patients and their families. He is also a member of Understood’s team of experts.
Dr. Hallowell is best known for the ground-breaking books he co-authored with Dr. John Ratey, Driven to Distraction and Delivered from Distraction, which have sold millions of copies. With decades of experience working with people who have ADHD, Dr. Hallowell has long argued that ADHD is too often misunderstood, mistreated, and mislabeled as a “disability” and that the gifts of this condition are easily lost amid negative comments.
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