Leading Global Influencers Launch First #HackQuantum Worldwide Series in Lagos, Nigeria as part of the Decade Of Women Campaign to Harness Frontier Technologies to Transform Women’s Lives Worldwide
Press Release – New York, NY April 24, 2018 – The Decade Of Women is set to launch the #HackQuantum World Wide Series in Lagos, Nigeria from May 5 – 6. This hackathon is the first in a series aimed to advance the implementation and financing of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5 by elevating the financial independence of women worldwide; and engaging women and girls to lead the forefront of realizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The #HackQuantum series will span across developing and developed countries and will be used to generate new solutions to deploy towards valuing women’s leadership in delivering the UN SDGs and an inclusive economy. These events will combine diverse talent from all over the world into a “pressure cooker” environment to accelerate new and quantum ideas.
The winning team will get the opportunity to develop their solution in the #DecadeOfWomen accelerator program. This will launch a global series of hackathons all with the single purpose of accelerating frontier technology solutions for women. All solutions will form part of an open source global Frontier Technology for Women Innovation Platform, available to be accessed and built upon by anyone globally. The Hackathon will take place in partnership with Fintech Worldwide’s first Blockchain Conference in Nigeria on May 7 https://www.blockchainafrica.com, and will be followed by a reception hosted by the Decade Of Women, for conference atten-dees, dignitaries, funders, and leading women to launch the global open innovation platform.
This will be a bold and ambitious rolling innovation collaboration to find the moonshots that will achieve the goals of Decade Of Women.
Dr. Jane Thomason, Global Ambassador, Abt Associates, a leading expert in frontier technolo-gies and the recipient on March 8th of the Decade Of Women first Quantum Impact Champion award said, “I am so pleased to be launching this challenge in Nigeria. This symbolises our de-termination to harness technological tools that will enable us to connect the bottom billion un-banked to the global economy and to create direct benefits to women and girls. In this Decade Of Women, we must harness these digital tools, global capital and our collective ambition to create a global, connected, distributed token economy to transform lives of women and girls across the everywhere”.
About Decade Of Women
Launched on International Women’s Day in New York, the Decade Of Women solutions and action campaign announced their dedication to Completing the Equity Revolution. The Decade Of Women has brought forth a #WeUniteWe Pledge as part of a decade long series of bold commitments to Celebrate, Unite and Exponentiate the progress of both women and men to get to complete the gender equity revolution, and to realize UN Sustainable Development Goal #5 to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by 2030. www.Decade-OfWomen.com
The campaign is distinct in focusing on levering the vital power of frontier technologies across blockchain and digital assets to at last achieve economic engagement and financial indepen-dence of all women. This will require the unlocking of capital to allow frontier technologies to scale. The laser sharp focus is on actionable, large scale initiatives to harness the power of ex-ponential new technology to advance the Decade Of Women.
If you’re interested in registering for the hackathon please do so through the following Eventbrite link.
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