Krowdster Aims to Level Playing Field For Crowdfunders
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Anyone who has launched a crowdfunding campaign wishes there were a way to make it easier to get attention. Setting up the page is the easy part. Making a video is the fun part. Getting people to watch the video on the page and then make a pledge is the challenge. Josef Holm, an entrepreneur who thrives in the crowdfunding space, last year launched Krowdster to address the big challenge.
Josef empathizes with entrepreneurs trying to raise money via crowdfunding. “While crowdfunding democratizes the access to capital, the sheer cost to hire a professional crowdfunding consultant, buy facebook ads and do all the things campaigns need to do to stand out from the hundreds of campaigns that are launched every day is simply too high for most crowdfunders.”
Josef created Krowdster for the people who can’t afford expensive, professional marketing resources. “We make access to professional grade crowdfunding marketing solutions available to all crowdfunders. Our clients are the 99 percent of crowdfunders who do not have thousands of dollars to hire a campaign manger or consultant.”
“We’re essentially digitizing the agency service and putting the crowdfunder in control,” Josef adds.
Josef sees a big future for crowdfunding a critical role for Krowdster. “As crowdfunding becomes more mainstream, marketing will become an even more important aspect of running a successful campaign. Reaching and cultivating a targeted audience on Social Media, reaching targeted press and identifying and connecting with backers and super backers are only the beginning for Krowdster. Our goal is to become a one-stop-shop solution for crowdfunders.”
On Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 5:00 Eastern, Josef will join me for a live discussion about how to use Krowdster to lower the cost of marketing your crowdfunding campaign. Tune in at the top of this page then to watch the interview live. Post questions in the comments below or tweet questions before the interview to @devindthorpe.

Josef Holm, courtesy of Krowdster
Josef’s bio:
Twitter: @krowdster, @josefholm
Josef founded, the first crowdfunding marketing and analytics platform. Krowdster’s powerful tools enable entrepreneurs to plan and run successful rewards and equity crowdfunding campaigns. Krowdster users have raised many millions on platforms including Kickstarter and Indiegogo.
An innovative, global serial entrepreneur with a passion for disruptive ideas, unconventional thinking and a “screw it, let’s do it” attitude.
17 years of start-up, business development, digital marketing, social web and affiliate marketing experience.
Ranked as a top thought leader in the crowdfunding industry, Josef has been been a featured speaker at SXSW V2V, Social Media Week LA, Metropole 2014 & 2015, #CFGE Crowdfund Global Expo 2014, #CrowdfundingUSA and Kickercon and is regularly featured in a number of publications such as CrowdFundBeat, USA Today, Wired, LA Business Journal and Fast Company.
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