On Wednesday this week, I hosted the SuperCrowdHour webinar with Jenny Kassan, where she shared “How to Raise Capital on Your Own Terms.” You can watch the entire webinar in the video above.
AI Summary
The webinar is sponsored by Purpose Rounds, Halyard Compliance, and others
Attendees can earn $100 in reimbursement for investing in a crowdfunding deal after attending ten webinars
Super Crowd Baltimore is an in-person event in Baltimore where Jenny will be speaking about crowdfunding
Next month’s webinar will be hosted by Dorian Dickinson, CEO of Funding Hope, and will focus on building stronger communities with investment crowdfunding
Investors are not limited to professional investors like angel investors and venture capitalists
Crowdfunding allows for a diverse range of investors, including individuals with retirement accounts and those interested in making an impact
Regulation Crowdfunding offers more possibilities for funding and includes a larger pool of investors
The six-step process to create a fundraising plan includes getting clear on goals, identifying ideal investors, designing the offering, establishing a legal compliance strategy, developing an outreach strategy, and addressing obstacles head-on
Women and people of color face challenges in raising venture capital, but crowdfunding offers more opportunities for success
Success stories include a bear-focused distillery, a local general store, and a community investment fund
$100 Reward
At the SuperCrowdHour webinar, we announced an exciting new rewards program. A bit like earning a free sandwich after buying ten, we’re offering $100 for investing in a regulation crowdfunding offering after you attend ten SuperCrowdHour webinars.
The SuperCrowdHour sessions are free, so we’re paying you to attend. The critical thing to know is that to earn your $100 reward, you’ll need to participate via Zoom. Keep in mind that if you miss one, you can attend the next one and keep accruing points toward earning your reward. See the full rules here.
December SuperCrowdHour: Building Stronger Communities with Investment Crowdfunding
The next SuperCrowdHour webinar will be held on December 20, 2023, at 1:00 Eastern/10 Pacific. Dorian Dickinson, CEO and Founder of Funding Hope, a FINRA-registered portal, will share insights about using crowdfunding to facilitate local investing.
Save the Date: SuperCrowd24 on April 17-18
We’re gearing up for SuperCrowd24 on April 17-18, 2024. The two-day virtual event will feature 100 speakers, live pitches, networking, a virtual trade show and much more. Be sure to mark your calendar now to save the date!
Don’t Miss SuperCrowdBaltimore
Don’t forget SuperCrowdBaltimore on November 30, 2023. The all-day in-person event will feature 20 speakers, great networking, a historic train ride (really) and more! Register here.