Is There Really A Business Named The Make Life Good Company?
WRENTHAM, Mass. (June 7, 2015) Can a company that says it will “make life good®” in its corporate name really do things or make products that make life good? The founders of a new company named The Make Life Good Company, a new social products lifestyle brand, believe they can.
According to David Wudyka, president and a co-founder of the start up, the company’s mission is to remind, encourage and inspire people to make life good for others through the messages on the products it offers. Its products include a variety of apparel and other products that feature the company’s logo, which is comprised of the company’s trademarked phrase “Make Life Good!” and a graphic of hands raised.

It’s current product line includes t-shirts, a coffee mug, a travel mug, a mousepad, a keychain and canvas wall art.
The Make Life Good Company’s products are currently only available through a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign it is running through June 21, 2015 to raise funds for the recently-launched company ( The company has already raised more than 50 percent of its $5,000 goal. Once the Kickstarter campaign ends, its products will be available for purchase on the company’s website (
In the future, the company plans to add more apparel items like baseball caps and sweatshirts as well as wrist and neck jewelry and home-related products such as pillows, posters and other wall art.

“We hope to make a difference and have a a positive impact in people’s lives,” Wudyka states. “So we also hope that the people who see our messages reach out to do something that makes life good for others, It can be anything from simply giving a stranger a smile or a friendly greeting, to helping the homeless or feeding the hungry.”
According to Wudyka, the company plans to introduce products soon with additional secondary messages and designs in combination with “Make Life Good!,” like “Imagine,” “Make A Difference,” “Give,” “Spread The Word,” “Pay It Forward,” “Teach,” “Stand Up,” “Come Together,” “Adopt,” “Support Our Troops,” among many others.
Wudyka adds that all of the company’s messages are targeted not only to the people who support the company’s mission, but also to the people who see its messages. “The people who buy our products are really our ambassadors, helping us urge others to engage in the positive behaviors featured on our products that will benefit the lives of others.”

The company plans to support organizations that make life good for others and donate a percentage of its profits to these groups. It also plans to manufacture all of its products in the United States to support American jobs and businesses.
The Make Life Good Company is part of a growing movement of companies across the country that incorporate concern for public welfare into private enterprise, called a benefit corporation (AKA B-corporation), rather than focus solely on the profits and shareholder value of a typical corporation. B-corporation is a type of for-profit corporate entity, legislated in 28 states, including Massachusetts, that provides enabling law for socially-conscious entrepreneurs and investors by writing corporate social responsibilities into an enterprise’s architecture.
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