Hope For The Women Of West Africa
Fatoumata Doumbia is working to empower women in West Africa. She is raising money on Indiegogo. Recently, I caught up with Fatoumata to learn more about the effort; here’s what she told me:
What is the social benefit you hope to achieve with or through your crowdfunding campaign?
Food can be the agent of change in Western Africa. Empowering women. Educating children. Returning to sustainable farming. Restoring culture. Food is at the center of these promising changes. Changes that can be lasting and lead to permanent solutions to basic social problems in the region. Agile International has a vision to create positive developments in nations that have been negatively affected by structural, international, and climatic forces.
How much money are you hoping to raise and why? How much have you raised so far?
We hope to raise $6000. We have raised $1,941 in 3 weeks. We’ll use the money to:
1. buy land trust for women
2. buy seeds to plant on the land
3. fence land to secure the crop
4. drill the well for irrigation
5. sponsor farmers
6. sponsor Colorado State University students to go teach sustainable farming
Agile International Inc. is a not-for-profit public utility corporation, operated exclusively for educational purposes and charitable organization within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Agile International plans to empower women through entrepreneurship development so women can:
a) Develop effectiveness in becoming their own best advocates
b) Develop skills in organizing, mobilizing and recognizing themselves as agents for social change
c) Acquire and practice more skills of enterprise creation
d) Acquire ability and capabilities to decide about new venture opportunities, planning, organizing
e) and successfully managing small businesses and small enterprises.
f) Receive training and business development services in their communities. This will all be done sustainably thanks to our sustainable development programs in partnership with the Department of Agriculture and Animal Science at Colorado State University (CSU).
Whom are you trying to help with your project and why?
We empower women in Mali and West Africa.
As a woman from Mali, I know that the single most important OBSTACLE to increasing agricultural productivity and income for women in Mali and developing countries is lack of access to land.
By buying land and returning it to the hands of women, Agile International is going around traditional barriers that have always prevented the fulfillment of any meaningful and sustainable development goals for women in Mali.
Check out the campaign:
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