Help Rebuild Soccer Fields For Kids by Supporting #100Anywhere Challenge
Roberto Milk and Paul Hower are raising money on Kickstarter to rebuild soccer fields around the world for kids. Recently, we connected with Christina Bacock to learn more about the effort; here what she told us.
What is the social benefit you hope to achieve with or through your crowdfunding campaign?
The CEO/Co-founder of NOVICA, Roberto Milk and a Colorado-native, Paul Hower set a challenge to rebuild soccer fields for kids in developing countries.
Milk is on a mission called the #100Anywhere Challenge. Milk is going around the world juggling a soccer ball 100 times, filming it, and raising money to build new soccer fields in developing countries. When Hower, an avid hiker and long time friend of Milk’s, saw the videos, he challenged him to undertake the juggle at 14,000 feet for the cause. Milk will complete the challenge atop Redcloud Peak in Colorado. He’ll be joined by members of a Search and Rescue team, along with participants from the Adaptive Sports Center in Colorado. The money raised will first go to build a soccer field in Ghana, Africa where the kids currently play in a slanted, dirt patch. More soccer fields are planned around the world.
Once the challenge is completed, Milk will sign the ball and kick it into the mountain wilderness. The ball, equipped with a tracking device, will be recovered by the Western State Mountain Search and Rescue Team. Everyone who subsequently completes the #100Anywhere Challenge and posts a video of their accomplishment will have their name added to the ball. This commemorative ball will be the first game ball on the new field in Africa.
Milk and Hower are actively looking for a corporate sponsor for the #100Anywhere Challenge. It is anticipated that the sponsor will contribute $100 for each #100Anywhere Challenge that is completed, filmed and posted online.
How much money are you hoping to raise and why? How much have you raised so far?
The first soccer field in Ghana will cost $5,000 and 100% of what they receive from Kickstarter will go directly into building the field in Ghana plus supporting the Adaptive Sports Center in Colorado, a cherished local organization that supports disabled athletes.
To date, $710 has been raised.
Whom are you trying to help with your project and why?
Milk and Hower are building soccer fields for kids in developing countries, starting with a field in West Africa. They plan to build a LOT of fields, not only in Africa, but all over the world.
The Dream: Players all over the world take up the challenge and juggle to 100. It could be #100Anywhere.
Then kids around the world could have fields. As a youth soccer coach, Milk knows how transformational soccer can be in terms of building confidence and developing teamwork. Through this project, kids around the world will be empowered through sports.
What rewards, if any, are you offering to your supporters?
Pledge $25 – ‘Supporter’
Pledge $50 – ‘Field Builder’
Pledge $100 – Receive the ‘Soccer Champs’ Auto Parts Soccer Sculpture from NOVICA
Pledge $250 – Receive the ‘Okyeame’ African Mask from NOVICA
Pledge $500 – Receive the ‘True Unity’ African Sculpture from NOVICA
Pledge $1,000 – Receive the ‘Soccer Pro’ Auto Parts Sculpture from NOVICA
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