GlobalGiving Profile
This profile is part of our crowdfunding site directory. If you have used the site and have comments you’d like to share with our readers, please share them below. If you are part of the company and see an error that needs correcting, please send us an email.
About GlobalGiving:
GlobalGiving is the first and largest global crowdfunding community for nonprofits. GlobalGiving’s mission is to catalyze a global market for ideas, information and money that democratizes aid and philanthropy. Since 2002, GlobalGiving has helped raise more than $163 million from more than 421,000 donors for more than 11,600 projects in more than 160 countries through and Each of the nonprofits on has been vetted, and has committed to providing donors regular updates about how donations are put to work.
GlobalGiving is a charity fundraising web site that gives non-profits from anywhere in the world a chance to raise the money that they need to improve their communities.
Twitter: @GlobalGiving
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