Design Thinking Expert Leads Nonprofit Expedition in Bolivia
Recently, Chris Federer led an expedition of CHOICE Humanitarian volunteers from Utah on an expedition to Bolivia. While there, the volunteers worked to add a new room and roof to a school.
Following the volunteer expedition, Chris led the Bolivian staff of CHOICE through an exercise to help them develop new fundraising capacity. The goal is to enable each in-country team around the world to develop some fundraising capacity that is independent of the headquarters team in Utah.
Be sure to tune in to the recorded interview with Chris to learn more about his experiences in Bolivia. Below, he shares some of his insights for facilitating meetings and planning sessions using design thinking.
Interview with Chris Federer, the Founder and Facilitator of
Expert Tips:
Tip 1: Before we start thinking about validating solutions in, say, a design sprint, problem framing helps us validate there’s a problem worth solving.
This is a high-level view on product development. In step 1, we validate problems with Problem Framing. In step 2, we run Design Sprints during solution validation. With this in mind, our approach to framing breaks down into 5 sequential steps:
Problem Discovery
Business Context
User Perspective
Business-to-User Mapping
Problem Reframing
Tip 2: Design Sprint : A 4-day design framework for validating ideas and solving big challenges.
Understand – Sketch and Decide – Prototype – Test
We work together, alone.
Tangible beats discussion.
We time box everything.
We don’t rely on creativity.
Getting started is more important than being right.
Tip 3: Pre-sprint or Pre-expedition:
Over-prepare. Whatever you think is being ready, triple it.
Incorporate play (and reflection). It will help people drop their walls so that they’re willing to learn and implement.
As much as possible, make sure the people you’re leading know the answer to 2 questions: “Where are we in the process?” and “Why are we doing this?”
Keep learning, forever.
Get in shape. Facilitation is a mixture of leading, teaching, and performing. You will need every last bit of endurance!
More about
Facebook: Global Works Travel
Helping professionals work, trust, and create better products and services, one design sprint at a time.

Chris Federer. Photo Credit:
Chris Federer’s bio:
Twitter: @federerchris
Instagram: @federerchris
I’m Chris. I spent 10 years abroad in Learning and Development industries designing experiences and services the wrong way; i.e. the way most teams and companies do it.
The good news is, I completely relearned how to help teams identify opportunities and validate solutions. What I found was a new approach, mindset, and set of tools to make a-ha moments real, achievable, and fast.
Today, leveraging unconventional design practices and collaborating with a network of experts I’ve built over the years, we use what we’ve learned and proven, to help teams develop environments where we communicate and contribute to the products and services we create, on equal footing.
Are you part of the good crowd? Join, school for changemakers today.
The post Design Thinking Expert Leads Nonprofit Expedition in Bolivia appeared first on Your Mark On The World.