Crowdfunding Platform Directory
This list of crowdfunding platforms does not purport to be complete, but it will include dozens of crowdfunding sites you can consider for your campaign, giving you plenty of candidates for fundraising.
If you are part of the company and see an error that needs correcting, please send us an email.
Investment Crowdfunding Sites (click on the Name/URL to see a more complete profile):
Name/URL Social Impact Focus BankRoll Includes Social Impact EarlyShares Includes Social Impact Equity Net Includes Social Impact Flashfunders Includes Social Impact Funding Circle Includes Social Impact Funding Circle US Includes Social Impact Gust Includes Social Impact Localstake Includes Social Impact Milaap Social Ventures Pte Ltd Includes Social Impact Mindfull Investors Includes Social Impact OfferBoard Includes Social Impact OurCrowd Includes Social Impact Rabble Includes Social Impact RedCrow Includes Social Impact Seed Equity Includes Social Impact SeedUps Canada Includes Social Impact StartEngine Includes Social Impact SunFunder Includes Social Impact NextSeed Includes Social Impact
Crowdfunding Sites for Donations and Rewards (click on the Name/URL to see a more complete profile):
Name/URL Personal/Nonprofit/Socent/Other/Everything CaringCrowd® Nonprofit Classy Socent/Nonprofit Socent/Other CommitChange Nonprofit CureCrowd Other Deposit a Gift Personal/Nonprofit Nonprofit FreeFunder Personal Fundly Personal/Nonprofit FundRazr Personal/Nonprofit Giveffect Inc. Nonprofit GlobalGiving Nonprofit GoFundMe Personal HIPGive Socent/Other Hispanics in Philanthropy Socent/Other iFundWomen Socent/Other Indiegogo Everything Personal/Socent/Other Kickstarter Socent/Other Kickante Everything Kimbia Nonprofit Nonprofit/Other Patreon Personal/Socent peerbackers Socent PledgeCents Personal/Other RallyMe Personal/Other Razoo Personal/Nonprofit RideToGive Personal RocketHub Nonprofit/Socent/Other Spotfund Nonprofit/Other Watsi Nonprofit Women You Should Fund Socent/Other Women’s Worldwide Web (W4) Socent/Other 121Giving Nonprofit
Real Estate Focused Sites (click on the Name/URL to see a more complete profile):
Name/URL CrowdVenture, LLC Fundrise GROUNDFLOOR Loquidity Patch of Land Prodigy Network RealtyMogul Wellesley & Co.
If you know of a site that we should add to our list, please alert us here.
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