The Crowd Economy Goes Off The Scale, Lighting Fires Across The World
London and Miami – As Luke Johnson noted yesterday in the FT the hype is over, for once overtaken by the reality. Today the crowd economy moves into the limelight in the US Mid-terms as team up with JOBS act founders CCA (Crowdfund Capital Advisors) harnessing big-data science to create the means to measure crowdfunded activity and job creation, at national and, crucially, local level in a new way.
The JOBSIMPACT score rates the impact on a city, state or country aiming to reveals how entrepreneur-friendly the local ecosystem is, providing comparisons and key insights, according to the report.
“The JOBSIMPACT score indicates the effect on the local economy by assessing the impact on venture and job creation” said Barry James, Founder and CEO of “It’s proved extrordinarily revealing. We can see straight away that there are one or two truly stellar areas, such as Washington DC and San Francisco, where this new entrepreneurial ecosystem has taken hold, showing what it’s capable of. Followed by some very promising challengers and the many in the middle. But there’re whole cities and states that look more like a desert and it’s, paradoxically, in these that the most pent-up potential most probably exists.”
As Luke Johnson noted “The sheer variety and ingenuity of schemes that are seeking backing is inspirational”. But as we enter what UK Chancellor George Osborne has called the “Dawn of a new era” the JOBSIMPACT index is providing a new tool to help planners and legislators understand what is happening around them, and enable them to make better decisions nationally and locally.
Meanwhile crowdfunding has become a global phenomenon reaching across America and around the world. The most recent ‘State of the Crowdfunding Nation” report from confirms that it has now gone viral reaching more than 160 nations and 90% of the world’s online population.
“The global growth of crowdfunding over the last two years has been tremendous, and it’s sustained” said Jason Best, Principal at CCA and one of the instigators and architects of the JOBS act. “While we in the US have been waiting for the SEC the UK has seen growth rates far faster than ours at 350% or more”
All 100 senators and top 100 city mayors will this week receive a powerful, individual, JobsImpact briefing detailing not just their own JobsImpact score, indicating how they’re doing in relation to their neighbours and nearest rivals, but also key stats and ‘health’ indicators creating the opportunity to understand what they can now do to better support entrepreneurs and create more jobs.
All 150 reports, together with a ‘State of the Crowdfunding Nation” report for the US as a whole, which estimates that, without any support, around 40,000 jobs will be created in the USA this year alone, will be delivered to the Whitehouse later this week.
“This is the best opportunity in our lifetime to empower tens of thousands and, if at least some of the barriers are removed, ultimately millions of Americans to take control of their own lives, create and build their own businesses and achieve their dreams. To change the game forever to empower us all. This, after all, is the American Dream” said CCA’s Sherwood (Woodie) Neiss.
“Presently most of this is focussed into major cities and hubs, like London, Edinburgh, Washington and San Francisco but given the nature of the internet and social media that needn’t remain the case” commented James “communities now transcend such geography and with the right support every town, city and community can become its own hub, and a hive of innovation and entrepreneurial activity. Enabling anyone with the drive and talent to take their idea and, with the support of the crowd, realise those dreams – creating jobs and growth in the process.”
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