Citizen-Led Community Development — The Owner’s Manual
It’s a movement. And Kickstarter project. Help us help cities, today.

Press Release – San Jose, Aug. 14 — Brown & Company has announced a Kickstarter project to produce an “owner’s manual” for citizens interested in local community development.
“Quality of life” is important. So many of us volunteer: we coach teams, join committees, donate to shelters. But increasingly, we, as individuals or members of small groups, are working to find more substantial solutions to local problems.
We’re encouraged to do this by civic leaders who know citizen engagement promotes diversity and creative thinking. Citizens can play a major role in defining city personality and character and making local life truly special. But budgets also come into play. Most cities are chronically short of funds.
More substantial projects, like art installations, special-needs parks or a new city sign, often require special skills or knowledge. City employees provide critical guidance, but they’re not going to run your project. Defining ideas, assembling resources, managing the process A to Z, raising money — that’s all up to you.
Citizens need an owner’s manual. And this Kickstarter project is it: a Perfect Bound, offset-printed book, 6” x 9” and about 200 pages. It will cover steps and best practices, provide examples and case studies, and list valuable resources. Including new ways to raise money (like crowdfunding!).
Help us help cities. Budget shortfalls are making this a growing movement. Let’s push it along. Visit Kickstarter today and pre-order a copy of Citizen-Led Community Development — The Owner’s Manual.
EARLY BIRD — $25. We’ll send a copy of the book signed by the author right after printing. Free shipping in the U.S. Limited to 250 quantity.
Ordering early activates algorithms that improves chances for project success.
About Brown & Company Brown & Company LLC is a boutique consulting firm that helps senior executives position themselves and gain visibility in their industries. It uses unique branding and team innovation methodologies based on a best-selling book about team innovation. An important part of effective positioning involves social responsibility. More information can be found at
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