Building a Community of Care and Connection Around Social Good
Guest post from Eleanor Hall, Executive Director, Connected Potential.
“There is invisible writing on the back of the diploma you will receive, and in case you didn’t bring lemon juice to decode it, I can tell you what it says: You are Brilliant, and the Earth is Hiring.” – Paul Hawken
We are only ever as good as the people that show up to support us. Clear and meaningful connection with others drives our ability to succeed in our goals, and to aspire to accomplish the unthinkable. To succeed we need to believe in ourselves, but even more importantly than that, we need others to believe in us. That belief is the difference between an idea that is realized, and one that stalls out.
At a time when we need creative thinkers, innovators and people dedicated to making change in their communities, an enormous number of people are getting turned away from meaningful work in a competitive marketplace – particularly young adults, who statistically are un- and under-employed at more than twice the national average. Although young adults have a strong desire to effect change at home and in the world, many find it difficult to engage in meaningful work based on a lack of resources, lack of personal/professional networks, and a lack of available entry-level positions that challenge them to be bold, innovative, and work with others to serve the public good.
We are building a community of care and connection for young adults and professionals eager to make a difference. Connected Potential enlists the powerful potential of young adults in creating change in their communities and in the world by connecting them with business advisors and professional mentors to get community-driven projects off the ground. For young adults, we provide the guidance and support needed to build important skills and deliver on their ideas for positive change. For professionals, we provide high-impact, low-commitment opportunities to use their personal and professional skills to make a significant difference.

We have the opportunity to change the way we connect with each other to solve problems. We started Connected Potential because we believe in the promise of this generation to address contemporary challenges and improve the world. We provide an open door of opportunity for young adults committed to making a positive difference by building a community that is focused on collaboration, not competition, and that brings people of all sectors together around a shared vision for change.
We are raising money to start an early stage seed fund to help support the fundraising efforts of those that come through our program. Please support our Indiegogo campaign, and learn more about how you can get involved at
Questions? Thoughts? Be in touch! @ConnectedChange
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