Author Writes Novel On Behalf Of the Poor and Homeless
This is a guest post from Ms. Jessie Jones. (
Paraphrasing the HEARTH1/ Act of 2009, “homelessness is a condition in which an individual lacks resources or support networks needed to obtain permanent housing.”
Homelessness is rampant across our cities; our country; and the entire world. There are many reasons why people become homeless. Some are homeless because of circumstances that they’ve created, such as committing crimes or using drugs. Others are homeless due to circumstances that happened to them that are beyond their control such as losing a job due to budget cuts, illness, or a host of other reasons.
Regardless of the circumstances, the condition of homelessness exists and something needs to be done to eliminate it. During my time as a Federal Government worker in D.C., I became more aware of homelessness within my city. I am an average citizen who has a burden on her heart.
Ms. Jessie Jones
I wrote a fictional book with hopes that it will change the hearts and minds of people so that they will become more sensitive to the plight of the homelessness population. The goal is to move people within so that they can take action without. The book is about a well-educated middle-aged, middle-class man, who lost his job, his home, and everything that he owned.
Eventually this man became homeless, living out on the streets, eating out of trash cans trying to survive day-by-day. This books talks about the lifestyle that this man endured while living as a homeless man. He tried to get a job, but over and over again he was told that someone else was selected for the position.
I chose to profile this man this way, because I want to let people know that to some extent all of us, or at least most of us are only one paycheck away from being homeless. Homelessness can happen to any one of us at any time within our life. Homelessness is not just an individual problem; it ultimately impacts an entire community; an entire society if you will.
“Who Turned The Lights Off?” is a spiritually focused and dramatic look at an all too common problem, declaring a message of reconciliation and revitalization between citizens of a broken city.
There are three main characters in the book. The first main character is Dr. Dan Johnson, a psychologist. Dan lost his job after being gainfully employed, for over twenty years. He becomes homeless. The second main character in the book is Attorney and Councilman Marc Parker.The third main character in the book is Reverend Stephen Young. Stephen is an engineer who became a minister after having a personal encounter with God.
Unlike Attorney Marc Parker, Reverend Stephen Young uses the Word of God to prick the hearts and minds of people so that they will become sensitive the plight of homelessness.
A riveting encounter between Dr. Dan Johnson, Attorney Marc Parker, and Reverend Stephen Young, changes the hearts and minds of an entire city.Could this message also change the hearts and mind of an entire nation; or an entire world?
About the author
During her time as a Federal Government worker, Jessie Jones became more aware of homelessness within her city. After prayerful consideration she wrote, “Who Turned the Lights Off,”with hopes of stirring the hearts of others.
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