Arrived In India In Need Of A Shower
After nearly 30 hours of travel, I arrived in Mumbai, India this evening ready for a shower. This would be the perfect time for a selfie, but I’ll spare you the weary traveler photo.
Photo credit: Wikipedia
For better or worse, I remember when international travel implied a certain level of being disconnected from regular life. That is no longer the case.
The hotel wifi connected easily, of course, my phone gets service here and so I have no excuse it seems. I found the 100+ emails in my inbox almost overwhelming. The fourteen hour flight suddenly seemed even longer by reflection.
Tomorrow I start my work with Rotary in earnest. We have several meetings planned with folks who can really help us understand just how India has been successful in eradicating polio.
The lessons from India are critically important. This isn’t just about congratulating Rotary, the Gates Foundation, the Government of India, UNICEF and the World Health Organization. The issue here is to understand how they did so that relevant lessons can be applied in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria, where polio remains endemic.
Beyond that, we need to understand which lessons from the eradication of polio can be applied to similar battles with HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
The world proved with small pox that we can eliminate deadly diseases. The work ahead is to figure out how to do it again and again, first with polio and then many other diseases.
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