A Filmmaker’s Close Look Shows No One Is Immune From Heroin Addiction
The first lesson Conrad Weaver learned about heroin as he worked to produce his new film Heroin’s Grip was that no one is immune. Addiction captures rich and poor alike.
Another key insight from his research is that the most dangerous drugs on the street are the most sought after. When someone dies from taking heroin laced with fentanyl, the reaction on the street is often to find the dealer not to avoid their stuff but to get it.
The tragic result is as we’ve seen in recent years that sometimes several people–if not several dozen–die in a series as one after another seeks the ultimate high.
Interview with Conrad Weaver, the Producer/Director of ConjoStudios, LLC.
The following is the pre-interview with Conrad Weaver. Be sure to watch the recorded interview above.
For-profit/Nonprofit: For-profit
Revenue model: We generate revenue through work for hire producing films for corporations and non-profits, as well as through sales of our in-house documentary films. Sales may include theatrical screenings, private event screenings, as well as DVD and VOD sales on platforms such as Amazon.
Scale: We are a developing company focused on building our reputation as filmmakers and film distributors. Our first Feature documentary, The Great American Wheat Harvest played in more than 60 theaters around the country, and we’ve sold several thousand DVDs both in the USA and in the UK, and we’ve had moderate success on the VOD platforms.
What is the problem you solve and how do you solve it?
We like to focus on current issues that impact thousands of people and tell that story to raise awareness and educate people regarding those issues, and perhaps see it from a different perspective. For example, Heroin’s Grip documentary tackles the opioid crisis and helps the viewer better understand what addiction is, how it impacts families and communities, and what is being done to bring relief to individuals and families at the center of the crisis.
Heroin’s Grip website: www.heroinsgrip.com
More about ConjoStudios, LLC:
Twitter: @conjostudios
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Conjostudios/
Website: www.conjostudios.com
ConjoStudios is a video production company based in Maryland with a focus on telling stories that matter. We produce documentary films that take on current issues, and we help companies and non-profit organizations communicate their message through compelling video.

Conrad Weaver. Photo Credit: Conjo Studios
Conrad Weaver’s bio:
Twitter: @conradRWeaver
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/conjostudios/
Instagram: @conradweaver, @heroinsgripmovie, @MyStoryPodcast
Conrad Weaver is an award-winning producer and director and is the owner of Conjostudios, LLC, a video production company based in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Weaver received a Mid-America Regional EMMY® Award for his 2014 documentary feature, the Great American Wheat Harvest. His second feature-length documentary, Thirsty Land was completed in early 2016 and screened around the country and was recently released for the public on Amazon Prime. His most recent feature documentary, Heroin’s Grip is currently playing in select theaters and venues and is scheduled for release on Amazon in September of 2019. Conrad is also the executive producer and writer on a feature narrative film called Scars of an Orphan.
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The post A Filmmaker’s Close Look Shows No One Is Immune From Heroin Addiction appeared first on Your Mark On The World.