6 Ways You Can Save Our Precious Earth Today
By CouponChief.com
Based on research and observation, scientists and environmentalists have a good reason to believe that our precious Earth is in trouble. So, the need for an environmentally sustainable lifestyle cannot be overemphasized. The United Nations has reported that human-caused issues such as air pollution and deforestation threaten to harm the planet in irreversible ways. And, if we do not change our ways, there are both unintended and potentially permanent consequences we are going to face. With that said, far too many people believe that adopting a green lifestyle is expensive. That is not necessarily the case, though. Taking steps to help the planet doesn’t have to break the bank.
Here are 10 ways you can reduce your environmental impact without draining your wallet:
Ditch bottled water: According to Ban the Bottle, the energy wasted using bottled water could power 190,000 homes. Also, EcoWatch has reported that in 2016, 480 billion plastic bottles were purchased, less than half of which got recycled; the rest then ended up in landfills. You can save both money and the planet by carrying a reusable water bottle and refilling it over and over. If you don’t like the taste of tap water, try filtering your own water with a filtered water pitcher at home.
Have a compost pile in your backyard: You can do this even when you live in an apartment – start a tiny, in-home compost bin with some earthworms. With a little more space, you can invest in an outdoor bin capable of turning all your food waste into reusable matter.
Abolish disposables in your home: Just because you can buy nearly anything in disposable form doesn’t mean you should. All the plastic silverware, plates, towels, and cups add huge amounts of waste to our landfills over time. So, invest in plates, cups, and cookware that you can use for a decade of more instead of buying stuff you simply throw away. And better yet, you don’t have to buy new ones – look for used cookware and dinnerware at garage sales or online resale sites.
Grow your own vegetables: While eating vegetables is great for your health and the environment, much of the produce we consume is trucked or shipped in from distance environments; this creates pollution and waste in the process. You can reduce your food footprint by growing some of your own food and consuming it yourself.
Bring reusable bags to the grocery store: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reported that of the 1 trillion plastic bags used each year, only 5 percent are recycled. By investing in reusable grocery bags and bringing your own, you can avoid adding up to this problem.
Eat leftovers. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, around one third of the food produced for human consumption is wasted every year. You can reduce waste by making sure to eat leftovers instead of throwing them away. Certain foods freeze well, while others can be saved and reheated for days.
These are just some of the ways you can help save our precious Earth. If you want to learn more how to get started today, read CouponChief’s cheap green living guide for saving the planet: https://www.couponchief.com/guides/guide_to_cheap_green_living
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