28 Soccer Balls In One Suitcase
This is another in a series of reports from a Rotary expedition to Ethiopia to End Polio Now.
Recently, I wrote here about my trip to Ethiopia to do polio immunizations for Rotary. I’m now writing this post on the airplane. First leg: SLC to SFO. (You’re right, that’s the wrong way. When I get to SFO, I’ll turn right around and head to London, flying over SLC on my way.)
When I posted about my trip, I asked friends to donate soccer balls that I could take and share with the kids in Ethiopia, many of whom lack such luxuries. I thought my friends might help me get a dozen balls and I was nervous about getting 12 soccer balls, plus the pumps I promised to buy to go with them. You really came through for me! Before I knew it, I had 28 soccer balls stacked on the dining room table and 28 pumps to match. Rotary had also suggested bringing pens (I packed 240), raisins (I packed 48 individual packs) and post cards (20) and little Rotary flags (6). Spread out on the table I couldn’t believe I would get them into the suitcase I was allowed for the purpose, but two hours of soccer ball origami allowed me to get them all in.

Let me just say thank you to all of the people who donated soccer balls (or money to buy soccer balls) for this trip:
Debbie Hill (who not only donated but organized her generous friends to donate balls, too)
Robert Selliah
Margie Broschinsky
Aaron Hancock
Amanda Thorderson
Dorothy Call
Lisa Lilienthal
Lauri Wall
Emily and Jason Finlinson
Randy Jackman
Aaron Chatelain
Mary Lovell
Lisa Gregson
The kids in Ethiopia will thank you!
I’ll post more about the trip as I can. According to the organizers of the trip, we shouldn’t count on internet access anywhere in Ethiopia. I’m hoping to find a way, but if not, I’ll offer up a full report on my return.
The post 28 Soccer Balls In One Suitcase appeared first on Your Mark On The World.