2 Guys Talk #MeToo–Can This End Well?
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Mike Domitrz began training audiences on safe and respectful behavior in the workplace and elsewhere long before #MeToo was a hashtag–long before there were hashtags.
On the eve of the Senate vote on the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, following the hearing with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford last week, Mike and I connected for a perilous discussion about #MeToo–perilous because the #MeToo discussion should include women.
(For the record, I have spoken to women about these issues and have written about their perspectives here.)
Mike says we need to work together to create safer, most respectful spaces for the people in our lives, both at home and at the office. He draws a close parallel, suggesting that developing a safe, respectful environment at work requires drawing on some of the lessons we learn about having safe, respectful relationships at home.
Be sure to watch the full discussion in the video player above.
Interview with Mike Domitrz, the Author and Speaker of The DATE SAFE Project.
The following is the pre-interview with Mike Domitrz. Be sure to watch the recorded interview above.
What is the problem you solve and how do you solve it?
Reducing sexual violence by creating a Culture of Respect
Podcast: www.RespectPodcast.com
More about The DATE SAFE Project:
Twitter: @DateSafeProject
Facebook: FaceBook.com/datesafe
Website: www.DateSafeProject.org
Help organizations, communities, educational institutions, and the US Military create a Culture of Respect
For-profit/Nonprofit: For-profit
Revenue model: Fee for educational programs and presentations along with educational materials and online training programs we provide.
Scale: We present 150 – 250 trainings and presentations each year.

Mike Domitrz
Mike Domitrz’s bio:
Twitter: @MikeDomitrz
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/datesafeproject/
As the brother of a survivor, Mike Domitrz has been traveling the world sharing with audiences for almost 3 decades. As an author, speaker and host of “The RESPECT Podcast,” Mike loves sharing skill sets for creating a world founded in respect.
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The post 2 Guys Talk #MeToo–Can This End Well? appeared first on Your Mark On The World.